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Possibilities of Plan-Fact Analytics in LiW

Dear friends, we continue a series of newsletters with useful tips on using the LiW system, a cloud service for planning and controlling cargo transportation and mobile employees.

Today we would like to tell you about the possibilities of managing delivery and cargo transportation in the "Plan-Fact" mode.

Possibilities of Plan-Fact Analytics in LiW

First of all, let's give a definition of "Plan-Fact" analytics, which is a comparison of planned indicators with actual results, assessment and analysis of identified deviations. Management in the Plan-Fact mode is applicable in any business processes - from the procurement of raw materials / materials and production, to sales and marketing activities.

The main goal of transport logistics is the organization of cargo transportation in such a way that the goods arrive to the recipients on time, in the right volume, of the proper quality and with minimal costs for their delivery.

Thus, the transport logistics manager, receiving tasks for the transportation of goods, daily, or even several times a day, solves difficult, but creative tasks:

  • What to carry, how many vehicles will be needed, where to find them?

  • How to build an optimal delivery route - with minimum mileage, maximum vehicle load, compliance with cargo transportation modes and established delivery windows?

  • How much will shipping cost? How profitable is it and will it not “eat up” all the profit from the sale?

  • … and many others.

A-CONNECT systems greatly facilitate the work of logisticians and help them plan optimal routes with minimal time costs, calculate the cost of cargo transportation and, if necessary, make prompt adjustments to plans.

However, it is not enough to draw up a perfect plan - it is important that this plan be implemented. As soon as the route task is transferred to the driver - on paper or in the LiW mobile App - the success of its implementation by 98% already depends on him.

Let's imagine the following situation: a logistician planned a delivery route for several points, taking into account the specified delivery windows, the car was loaded in the warehouse in accordance with the plan (the first deliveries are "closer to the exit", the last ones are at the tailgate). And the driver, having left the warehouse gate, arbitrarily decided to change the order of visiting delivery points - as a result, the delivery schedule was disrupted resulting in dissatisfied customers, plus significant time was lost for unloading and reloading at delivery points.

Telematic solutions like LiW allow you to control the movement of vehicles, their modes of operation, fuel consumption, the operation of attachments and mechanisms, and much more in real time Of course, according to the reports of the monitoring system, it is possible to accurately track the routes of the actual movement of vehicles, and if there are configured delivery zones, you can quickly receive warnings that the vehicle has left the requested work area. But without being able to visually compare the given plan with the actual result, it is very difficult to understand where, when, through whose fault it was violated. It is not uncommon for the specialist whose job it is to oversee delivery processes only receive information about plan violations when dissatisfied customers begin to “cut off” the phones. As you know, the sooner you receive information about deviations, the sooner you can take measures to neutralize them, which means that the consequences will be minimal.

In the example above, if the dispatcher immediately after the start of the tour sees that the car violates the established plan, he will be able to: firstly, contact the driver to find out the reasons for this violation and promptly correct his route, and secondly, contact customers and warn them in advance about delivery time adjustment.

LiW is a full-fledged Plan-Fact analysis system in which users receive reports of violations of plans in real time. Compliance with planned and actual routes can be monitored in several ways:

1. Visual display of the planned trip and the actual route on digital map. In the screenshot below from the LiW system, green shows the route set by the logistician, and red shows the actual movement of the vehicle.

It immediately catches the eye that the car does not travel along a given route, but in the opposite direction.

2. System of notifications about delays / non-completion of tasks. In LiW, you can flexibly configure the system of warnings about violations of delivery schedules and work tasks. The program records the facts of the completion of each of the assigned tasks - manually (via the LiW mobile App) or automatically (for example, upon visiting a delivery point). If at the set time the system has not received a signal about the completion of the task, then the dispatcher will receive an alert (ALARM! Via Pop-up in dispatcher workplace/ SMS/ e-Mail) about the detected violation.

3. To carry out historical analysis, LiW provides a set of reports on the status of the tasks. Thanks to these reports, it is always possible to evaluate the labor discipline and quality of work of employees for an arbitrary period, and in the case of applying KPI for drivers / freight forwarders / couriers for each employee, you can objectively evaluate the effectiveness of their work.

Thus, the use of "Plan-Fact" analytics on a regular basis, and the LiW system allows it to be carried out in real time, makes it possible to organize a truly effective transport logistics management system: optimize transport costs, increase sales by increasing customer loyalty.

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